
How Much Tax You Owe When Selling Your Company

October 9, 2024
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8 min read

Selling your business is a significant matter. Years of diligence, creativity, and risk-taking come together here. For many of our clients, the payback may be enormous – we are talking billions in value. The taxman wants his piece, though, so there is a drawback – one that can easily approach the billions, as well.

The issue is that most advisors see tax planning as a secondary issue. They concentrate on closing the sale, leaving you to cope with a convoluted web of taxes undermining your hard-earned fortune.

Dominion follows a different path. We refer to it as wealth governance. It’s where we best maximize your financial legacy for future generations, not merely safeguard your assets.

The Conventional Tax Landscape: A Losing Proposition

Selling your business is more complicated than just figuring your return by removing your starting investment – your basis – from the sale price.  

Unknown expenses such as goodwill, depreciation recapture, and different state taxes might catch you by surprise and result in a far higher tax burden than you expected.

We have experienced personally the terrible results that come from poor tax preparation. Thankfully, we’ve been there to reverse course for many clients. We unlock an array of tools and techniques not accessible to the typical seller. Using incentives and asset structuring to reduce your tax load and maximize your wealth, we negotiate the difficult terrain of domestic and international tax laws. Though the payback is great, this proactive method calls for careful preparation and execution. And that’s where we come in. You can trust us to handle these essential components on your behalf with precision and care.

Are you prepared to learn a better approach to selling your business? a method that keeps your family’s heritage safe and more of your hard-earned riches in your pocket?

The Dominion Difference

The pros at Dominion don’t follow the accepted guidelines of the tax code. We rewrite them. For every customer, we construct a customized playbook meant to safeguard and increase their wealth – not hand it over to the government.

Trust Structures: Your Weapon of Choice

Our strategy is based mostly on trust structures. These are not the basic trusts your local advisor may arrange. We employ smart domestic and foreign trusts as a launchpad for cutting-edge tax tactics and protection for your assets.

Think of a trust as a vault. It preserves your assets against creditors and unneeded taxes. Still, it’s not only about protection. It has to do with opportunity, too. And you enter a completely other realm of tax-saving strategies with the correct trust structure.

Leveraging Incentives

Tax regulations of governments all across the planet are continually being changed. For some investments or business structures, they provide incentives. Most people either know nothing about these incentives or how to use them. We certainly do. Our knowledgeable staff keeps an eye on these developments regularly to always discover the best strategies to help reduce your taxes.

By carefully using tax credits and deductions, we have:

  • Assisted clients in totally eliminating capital gains taxes
  • Arranged overseas investments to benefit from reduced taxes elsewhere
  • Helped clients postpone taxes for years so that their investments have more time to flourish

One aspect of the problem when you sell your business is capital gains tax. We know it’s important to factor in income taxes, estate taxes, and even gift taxes. We consider your whole financial condition rather than concentrating simply on one tax.

We search for every chance to reduce your tax load, regardless of where it comes from. We examine your estate plan, business structure, and assets to ensure everything is cooperating to safeguard your money.

Our basic objective is to enable you to retain more of your money. We believe it’s your money anyway and not the government’s.

The Power of Private Placement Life Insurance

One of our most effective tools for enhancing the wealth-building plans of our clients is Private Placement Life Insurance (PPLI). That is not your usual insurance coverage. It’s more like a tax-advantaged investing account that includes a life insurance component.

Picture yourself having a Swiss Army knife for your wealth. PPLI works that way but instead of a bottle opener and scissors, you get tax benefits and investment flexibility. Most people think of life insurance as just a death benefit – you know, the kind your uncle tries to sell you at Thanksgiving dinner. But PPLI is different. It's more like having a high-powered investment account wearing a life insurance costume to the tax party.

From bonds and equities to real estate and private equity, PPLI lets you invest in a broad spectrum of assets. These policy investments expand tax-free. This lets your money compound far quicker as you avoid paying taxes on your earnings annually.

Still, the advantages go well beyond these ones. PPLI also offers tax-free cash flow. Loans against the cash value of your insurance are not liable to taxes. This provides you with access to your money as needed without compromising your long-term growth possibilities.

Just think, you could sell your company and fund a PPLI with the earnings. Your assets grow tax-free, and you may support your lifestyle with the cash value without paying any taxes at all. For those with high net worth who wish to maximize their fortune, it changes everything.

PPLI is a strategic instrument we include into your whole wealth plan. We utilize it to enhance other tactics, such as trust structures and international tax planning, thereby building a whole system that safeguards and increases your money in ways you never would have thought feasible.

PPLI can be a vital tool whether your goals are to avoid taxes on the sale of your company, leave a legacy for your family, or just more effectively increase your wealth. It’s a tricky instrument, sure, but that’s where we shine. Our knowledgeable staff will walk you through each stage of the procedure to make sure your PPLI is set up in the most favorable manner.

Dominion’s Proven Success

Our track record at Dominion speaks for itself. Many high-net-worth individuals and organizations have successfully sold their businesses while reducing their tax load – all thanks to the guidance of Dominion.

For example, a US customer sold a $240 million land holding and was liable for a possible $48 million tax liability. We were able to secure the assets and remove the tax obligation by creating an offshore asset protection trust and using PPLI.

In another instance, a UK businessman selling his £120 million company was looking at a £20 million tax burden. Our team developed a plan calling for an offshore trust, a Hong Kong LLC, and a tax-free insurance wrapper. That produces The customer kept total control of his riches and paid zero capital gains tax.

These are only two instances of how Dominion’s worldwide presence and knowledge may truly impact your financial result. We have a thorough awareness of foreign tax rules and a worldwide network of reliable experts under our direction.

This enables us to design customized solutions regardless of your location of residence or company that safeguard your assets and optimize your wealth.

Contact Dominion Today

One of the most important decisions you will have to make is how to treat the tax consequences of selling your business. Choosing traditional tax guidance might cost you millions of dollars, a large share of your hard-earned fortune.

This goes beyond merely having a bigger tax burden. It’s about passing up the chance to shape your financial destiny and protect the heritage of your family for later generations.

Dominion presents an alternative route. We cordially welcome you to investigate a universe of alternatives whereby your wealth is not only safeguarded but enhanced. A realm in which financial stability becomes a legacy and intricate tax laws become strategic instruments.

Don’t let luck define your fortune. Make an appointment with Dominion right now to learn how we can guide you in selling your business while safeguarding and expanding your wealth.


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